Yiyuan Bai
Yiyuan Bai held a postgraduate degree in textiles from the Royal College of Art in London 2023, where she focused on making sustainable materials from herbal medicines, beans, sodium alginates, tree leaves and other natural sources. She applied her bio-design and CMF expertise to craft bio-materials and explored the effects of natural dyeing on herbal medicines.
剥落的痕迹 瘙痒的痛楚 无人可知 残缺的外观胜似不完美却独一无二
The patterns of skin falling, the pain of itching is known to nobody. The scattered skin is imperfect yet sole.
Herbal medicine with healing effects and recyclable biomaterials are research aspects that she has searched into. She creates bio-products such as gloves and packages derived from aromatic herbs - Pogostemon Cablin and Herba Eupatorii - aquafaba ( liquid from cooked beans ), seaweed, flour, etc.
According to the anti-fungal characteristic of herbal medicines and the herbal biomaterials she made, they are the effect of curing Tinea manuum, which is a dermatophyte infection of one or both hands.
手之疗 配以草药敷之 触可达平缓之道 闻可达安神之道 弃其与水混之可抑菌
The prescription of Tinea manuum can be combined with the application of Pogostemon Cablin, Herba Eupatoriican which have the effects of sedation by touching, healing effects of easing anxiety by smelling, mixed with warm water can have antibacterial effects.
By applying the properties of Chinese herbal medicine itself and through continuous experiments, Yiyuan BAI applied herbal medicine to transform it from flat to three-dimensional and made it into bio-materials, which can be degradable, recycled, and have healing effects, and can be applied to the skin surface.
The thin and smooth material can fit the skin well and make people feel comfortable. The material can be made into wearable accessories, such as gloves that can be removed from fingers and palms, so that people can choose what to wear by the part of the skin.
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